So believe it or not, we are still finding things to do in London despite the increasingly cold weather! Who would have thought?!
The Winston Churchill Bunkers (part of the Imperial War Museum) were very interesting, with the dugouts, dorms and chamber rooms still depicting the exact same environment as it was during the First World War. It is amazing that the bunkers were so close to 10 Downing Street and not even fully bomb proof!
Shimmy shimmy!! Bee had her end of term belly dancing cabaret show one icy Sunday evening. It was such fun to be up on stage and she even attracted some paparazzi in Gerard and Jamie with their new whiz-bang cameras.... why are there dozens of shots of attractive females and glitzty costumes???? Hahhaha. Jokes aside, great evening and Bee is much looking forward to starting Level 4 in January.
Work talk. Boring. We know it is, but we have been enjoying the flexibility of teaching and the variety of experiences different schools and year levels are giving us. Next year we will most likely continue working at a number of schools on a regular basis throughout the week to keep us on our feet and allow us to keep doing what we came here for!
The below freezing temperatures and snow of late have also provided us with an opportunity to go ice-skating at Hyde Park’s ‘Winter Wonderland’. Let me say, Gerard is good... really good – watch out Blades of Glory (minus the fluoro lycra)! We are happy to say that there were no spills, icepacks or stretchers needed and that the mulled wine, Paulaner beer and Bailey’s hot chocolate went down a treat afterwards! PS. Bee scored a bargain – 6 QUALITY perfumes for only 20GBP!!! See Gerard!!!
Gerard is unavailable / unwilling to comment.